Monday, April 27, 2009

Hair tea rinse

Part of me going natural with my hair is using a lot of natural herbs, oils and products. Recently I've learned about the benefit of caffeine on hair growth and how it can be used as growth stimulator.

Since tea has a high rate of caffeine, I've decided to add tea rinse to my hair rituals and I'm enjoying it alot.

I've already stopped using shampoo and instead I use my herbal wash which I will post on some other day.

Now, with my tea I use it as a final rinse for my hair, then I style as usual or just tie my hair in a pony.

To prepare I get any tea bags I have; I love green tea, red tea and peppermint tea. I just mix and match. Sometimes I add parsley as its known widely in the Arab culture for its rich moisture trait.

Here I've added parsley leaves, green tea and red tea bags.

I boil my tea mixture till the water changes color. Then I put it in a jar

Pour it and wait for it to cool down or
sometime I add cold water/ice to make it cool down faster

After my hair wash, I pour the tea into my hair as final rinse :)

Other Tips:

  • If you are suffering from hair loss then add cloves to the tea water and let it boil with the tea. Cloves will help stop your hair loss.

  • If you want thick hair or head full of hair then use tea rinse with every hair wash you get.

  • for extra shine and moisture, add two/three drops of olive oil to your tea mixture.

  • Yes you can use any hair products after your tea rinse.

4 Readers Point:

AeryLove on May 2, 2009 at 7:17 AM said...

Hello! I'm am so impressed with the info you have on all the herbs and natural treatments. I ran across your flat belly challenge on LHCF and I have some questions, but unfortunately I don't have an active membership on the site. :/ I really want to follow along with ya'll and I was wondering, for the Fat burner tea, do you leave the yellow peel on the lemon, or just leave the whitish skin/rine part? Can you add any other sweeteners on the teas? I see that you only allowed honey with the ACV tea. If you can, please post some pics of Ginger on your post. Thank you soooo much and I hope you will reply here or on the forum, I will check ur blog and the forum frequently to see ur reply. (Trying to follow ur blog now, but I'm having technical difficulties). Thank you again!!

NubainCurls on May 3, 2009 at 1:40 AM said...

I'm so glad that your finding my post informative, as for the lemon you do leave the skin on. I have made a post with photos on making that tea, do check it.
You can add sweetener if you want to, but with the fat burner tea I believe you won't need too. I drink it without, the taste is very pleasing.
I will add a pic of ginger soon =)
You can join our challenge by writing a post on your blog with your weekly/daily update and a link to the challenge, just stay motivated dear. Good luck to all of us :D

Unknown on May 4, 2009 at 9:07 PM said...

Hi ~
You say you use the tea as a final rinse are you actually rinsing the tea out or do you just pour it onto your head and style hair as you normally would?

Thank you

NubainCurls on May 7, 2009 at 10:51 PM said...

Hey ms2sweet, yes I pour it onto my head and style normaly =)

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