Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hair forum terms and abbreviations

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I have been browsing the forums a lot lately and let me tell you that I've learned a whole new lingo. It's the lingo of hair and chicks *Winks* So I'm writing terms and their meanings here in hopes that it might help a newbie to understand and appreciate topics on different hair forums and websites. *I'm going to update this list every time I learn some new terms*

  • WGO wild growth oil

  • Pre-Poo Oil treatment you leave in your hair, usually overnight before washing your hair with shampoo.

  • Co-wash Washing your hair with only conditioner, some girls do it daily and its safe.

  • EVOO Extra virgin olive oil.

  • EO Essential oil

  • DH Dear Husband

  • HTH Hope this helps

  • MTk Megatek

  • Transition the period where you decide not to have a relaxer anymore.

  • Stretch the time you put to wait for your next relaxer.

Bantu Knot Out

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Here's a Bantu knot out pics, enjoy :)

Wild growth oil

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I bought this oil last weekend and so far used it twice, to be honest I don't know why I bought it! I had other products to buy.

Anyways when I saw the bottle I remembered visiting their website long ago which I didn't like but I had to find out myself if this oil works or not?

I'm so aware of no such thing as quick results, I mean if you want longer hair quick and fast then you might as well get a weave or clip-on extensions so am not depending on this oil for my growth. My hair is already growing fine maybe not as fast as I want to but oh well.

The smell of this oil reminds me of vicks, its thick and on the directions it says to count the drops you'll add on your hair. But you all know am bad with fallowing directions so I just add few drops directly to my scalp then massage it and leave it over night.

Now a lot of ladies were complaining about the smell, so I thought it would bother me but I don't mind vicks smell *laughs* and beside I add my parachute oil to tame the smell done a bit.

Is this oil Worth it?
Mmm I don't know really, mind you I don't want my hair texture to change (Their website claims that it will!) so I might have to change and get their light oil moisturizer instead. For now I will use this oil and add it to my hair regimen, stay tuned and we will see how if its worth it or not.



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