I have been browsing the forums a lot lately and let me tell you that I've learned a whole new lingo. It's the lingo of hair and chicks *Winks* So I'm writing terms and their meanings here in hopes that it might help a newbie to understand and appreciate topics on different hair forums and websites. *I'm going to update this list every time I learn some new terms*
- WGO wild growth oil
- Pre-Poo Oil treatment you leave in your hair, usually overnight before washing your hair with shampoo.
- Co-wash Washing your hair with only conditioner, some girls do it daily and its safe.
- EVOO Extra virgin olive oil.
- EO Essential oil
- DH Dear Husband
- HTH Hope this helps
- MTk Megatek
- Transition the period where you decide not to have a relaxer anymore.
- Stretch the time you put to wait for your next relaxer.